Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Bag full of Trout

Know when a Trout can see you! (You must know what the Refractive Window is and how you might be scaring the fish away.) p.15
Why the Monocular vision of trout could be costing you a catch. p.18
The color of your clothing matters! Learn what the best colors are so that you're camouflaged from the fish. p.42
Learn the best times to fish for trout... THEIR FEEDING TIMES... Plus, learn how to catch them even outside their feeding times! (It's a secret you must follow or you'll get nothing.) p.24
Learn why trout are so sensitive to noise. (The noise of breaking twigs or nudging a rock consistently scares fish away!) p.21
How to maintain your fishing equipment for maximum longevity. p.51
Why having a cigarette while fishing can halve your chances of catching anything. p.22
The correct line color to choose for maximum success. p.57
Learn what the ideal conditions are to cause a feeding frenzy among Trout. (Unfortunately, if one factor is out of place they will literally starve themselves until everything is in place again.) p.24 to 29
Why keeping a fishing diary will explode your long-term fishing success. p.64
Know what the ideal water temperature is for Trout to feed. p.25 & 81
How to make the best choices on equipment. (There are over 40 separate tips from reels to sunglasses.) p.50 to 65
How to Identify Trout Rich Waters. p.30 to 36 & 71
Know when a Trout's metabolism is in the normal range and therefore hungry! (When it's low, they are sluggish and will not travel or look for food.) p.81
The 4 things you should do before you even unpack your gear beside the river. p.68
Learn the 3 primary concerns of a trout. (It's not all that different to us humans!) p.30
How to locate where a trout is positioned in the water. p.36 to 41